Whitelisted Projects

To check if a project is on the greylist, in your wallet go to Hamburger Menu > Settings > Researcher Wizard > Projects (or the listprojects command)
Any project shown is not greylisted. Your wallet must be fully synced for the latest info.

Project Goal Sponsor CPU GPU GDPR Stats Export Team Stats
Amicable Numbers Amicable Numbers is an independent research project that uses Internet-connected computers to find new amicable pairs. Currently searching the 10^20 range. Private ✔️ not required 📊 📈
Asteroids@home Asteroid research - it uses photometric measurements of asteroids observed by professional big all-sky surveys as well as 'backyard' astronomers. The data is processed using the lightcurve inversion method and a 3D shape model of an asteroid together with the rotation period and the direction of the spin axis are derived. Charles University in Prague ✔️ not required 📊 📈
DENIS has been created to help researchers to compute very large groups of cardiac electrophysiological model variations. Cardiac electrophysiological models are mathematical representations of the electrical activity of the cardiac cells. Universidad San Jorge ✔️ required 📊 📈
Einstein@home Search for spinning neutron (pulsars) stars using data from the LIGO gravitational-wave detectors, the Arecibo radio telescope, and the Fermi gamma-ray satellite Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute ✔️ required 📊 📈
GPUgrid Full-atom molecular simulations of proteins Private Sponsors, accept donations in Bitcoin ✔️ not required 📊 📈
Milkyway@home Creation of a 3D map of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This project enables research in both astroinformatics and computer science. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ✔️ not required 📊 📈
NFS@Home Lattice sieving step in Number Field Sieve factorization of large integers. Many public key algorithms, including the RSA algorithm, rely on the fact that the publicly available modulus cannot be factored. If it is factored, the private key can be easily calculated. California State University Fullerton ✔️ not required 📊 📈
NumberFields@home Research in number theory. Number theorists can mine the data for interesting patterns to help them formulate conjectures about number fields. Arizona State University, school of Mathematics ✔️ required 📊 📈
OLDK is building a database of canonical forms of diagonal Latin squares of the 10th order ✔️ not required 📊 📈
Rosetta@Home Protein structure prediction that may ultimately lead to finding cures for some major human diseases. University of Washington ✔️ not required 📊 📈
SiDock@Home Works on drug discovery with COVID-19 as its primary focus COVID.SI project. Accepts Gridcoin and BTC donations ✔️ not required 📊 📈
SRBase Attempting to solve Sierpinski / Riesel Bases up to 1030. The project is in collaboration with the Mersenne CRUS project. ✔️ not required 📊 📈
The gene@home project is an implementation of the PC-IM algorithm, whose purpose is to expand Gene Regulatory Networks (GRN). Each network is a graph that specifies the causal relationships inside this set of genes, and helps in studying the gene expression phenomenon: the process through which the DNA is transcribed into RNA and the RNA translated into proteins. National Research Council of Italy (CNR) ✔️ not required 📊 📈
Physics and Astronomy University of Warsaw ✔️ required 📊 📈
World Community Grid FightAIDS@home, Smash Childhood Cancer, fight Tuberculosis, research better materials for solar panels. Krembil Research Institute ✔️ required 📊 📈
yoyo@home Brings existing distributed computing projects to the BOINC world using the BOINC Wrapper technology Supported by Rechenkraft.net e.V. , accept private Donations, also accept Bitcoin and Gridcoin ✔️ not required 📊 📈
Folding@Home Simulating protein dynamics, including the process of protein folding and the movements of proteins implicated in a variety of diseases. NOT a BOINC project, see crunching guides for how to setup account. Folding@home Consortium (multiple universities), accepts BTC donations ✔️ not required 📊 📈
Project CPU GPU GDPR Stats Export
Amicable Numbers ✔️ not required
Asteroids@home ✔️ not required
✔️ required
Einstein@home ✔️ required
GPUgrid ✔️ not required
Milkyway@home ✔️ not required
NFS@Home ✔️ not required
NumberFields@home ✔️ required
✔️ not required
Rosetta@Home ✔️ not required
SiDock@Home ✔️ not required
SRBase ✔️ not required
✔️ not required
✔️ required
World Community Grid ✔️ required
yoyo@home ✔️ not required
Folding@Home ✔️ not required
Project CPU GPU GDPR Stats Export
Amicable Numbers ✔️
Asteroids@home ✔️
Einstein@home ✔️
GPUgrid ✔️
Milkyway@home ✔️
NFS@Home ✔️
NumberFields@home ✔️
Rosetta@Home ✔️
SiDock@Home ✔️
SRBase ✔️
World Community Grid ✔️
yoyo@home ✔️
Folding@Home ✔️

About GDPR

GDPR is a law in the European Union on data privacy. Some projects have interpreted it to mean that to sharing BOINC stats requires opting in. Solo crunchers must enable it to be rewarded because otherwise Gridcoin can't see how much work you've done and figure out how much you are owed

NOTE: Only solo crunchers on these projects need to follow these steps. Pool cruncher don't need to because your pool has already done it

Currently the whitelisted projects that require this are:
DENIS@home (steps to enable)
Einstein@home (steps to enable)
NumberFields@home (steps to enable)
Universe@home (steps to enable)
World Community Grid (steps to enable)

Whitelist Process

Want a project whitelisted? Ask about it on the #whitelisting-committee channel on the Gridcoin Discord! More details about adding a project to the whitelist can be found on the whitelist process wiki page

The whitelist was created to increase security and to focus user's resources on active projects. See historical discussion